
Being kind to yourself, it’s not as hard as you think!

By Kelly Wilton

If there’s one thing us mamas are great at, it’s being kind and caring to those who need us most. Even on the bad days, we show up and get the job done.

However, when it comes to being kind to ourselves, who can say that they practice it daily?!

Before we know it, the days pass and there goes by another week where we put everyone ahead of ourselves, once again. You didn’t quite do the 10minute walk that you said you were going to try and do at least twice a week. You totally forgot about that podcast a friend recommended for you to listen to.

If we don’t occasionally put our needs first, then what is the consequence? Generally, it’s our wellbeing that suffers. It becomes a vicious cycle, if you don’t listen to the signs your body is giving you. We have a mental load that is unique to that of a typical parent, so don’t underestimate the importance of showing up for yourself!

Just small steps mama, to get the ball rolling so that you are in your bigger picture, too!

Practice self-compassion (ie BE KIND TO YOURSELF!)

Think about just ONE thing you appreciate about yourself. Make a daily habit of acknowledging your strengths. Stick a post-it on the bathroom mirror to remind you!

Take note of the way you advocate for your child and the lessons you’re gaining on this journey. This in itself is a unique skill and one that not everyone possesses.

Treat yourself with the same supportive words you would offer a friend in need.

Valuing your strengths becomes a path to self-confidence and growth. This self-assurance evolves into self-awareness, fostering greater kindness to yourself. As you distance yourself from self-criticism, the negative inner voice will naturally fade.

Avoid spreading yourself thin and embrace the power of saying ‘no’ to unnecessary demands.

You can’t be everything for everyone. Slow down and resist the urge to sacrifice your well-being by trying to do it all. How often do we overcommit only to secretly feel relief when we eventually back out? Saying ‘no’ without guilt is an act of prioritising yourself, and something to take pride in.

It’s alright to treat yourself gently and occasionally let others take the reins. You don’t have to volunteer for every task. Setting boundaries is a critical step toward safeguarding your long-term well-being. Don’t hesitate to say No!

Enjoy what you do and do more of it!

Whatever it is, no matter how minor, make room for it more often! Whether solitude brings you joy or you relish company, the choice is yours.

Hobbies aren’t just for kids or for the retired! The truth is, you’ll never have enough time. Time will never magically appear; we must create it. Even just dedicating 10 minutes a day can make a difference. Test how you feel after indulging in what you truly adore. Yes, even doing absolutely nothing counts!

Listen to your body.

We’re all guilty of powering through when we’re utterly worn out. Instead, listen to your body. If rest is what you need, don’t hesitate to take a break, and release any guilt associated with it.

Allocate time for your body to just rest and reset your nervous system.

Allowing our body to relax will help strengthen the nervous system.

Relax by taking deep breaths while driving to the next therapy appointment or simply lie down and take a minute to yourself. Put your phone away and give yourself some time to clear your mind and rest your eyes.

Do take time for you mama, your future self will thank you.

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