
A message to my friends about special needs motherhood

By Patricia Kormendy All parents struggle and worry about our children’s futures, however, I think us parents of children with disabilities have unique concerns that we worry about constantly; about doctor appointments, therapy appointments, about school, about schedules, finances, friendships, relationships with our spouses, and our other children. Each of our journeys is unique and …

A message to my friends about special needs motherhood Read More »

4 ways to be a better ally to a special needs family

By Kelly Wilton If you caught us recently over on our Source Mama Live you would’ve heard the great conversation we had about the things that people continue to say that get under the skin of us special needs mamas. Don’t worry if you missed it because you can watch the replay right here:https://www.facebook.com/sourcemama/videos/655814548656936 I think …

4 ways to be a better ally to a special needs family Read More »

Courage is fear walking

By Heidi Denner I am a mother to three wonderful, curious, strong-minded children. Each one of them unique and each one a teacher of mine, with their own lessons to grow, challenge and change me. I could write hundreds of stories of these lessons – stories of when I have failed (miserably), stories of when …

Courage is fear walking Read More »

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