By Kelly Wilton
You would think that in 2022, accessible beach mats are a given in Australia? Unfortunately, that’s not the case.
When Libby Doherty and her family moved to Noosa in 2018, her daughter Daisy was only four-years-old. As Daisy grew and transitioned from a pram to a wheelchair, Libby noticed a huge difference in the places they could access.
Libby was determined to make her local beach accessible, not only for her daughter but for many others in the community as well as the thousands of tourists who visit the area every month. And with grit and determination, set about getting the job done.
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So Libby decided SOMEONE needed to be responsible, and she was going to make it happen.
Getting the wheels in motion
“In November 2020, we had a state election so I wrote to all three candidates regarding accessibility, particularly the beach mat. Only one replied – MP Sandy Bolton. Sandy agreed it was a priority and would help champion the cause. She said she had previously been unfamiliar with the need for a mat and thanked us for bringing it to her attention”, Libby explains.
Libby and Daisy began to show up at community events where there was opportunity to talk to other councillors, including MP Sandy Bolton. Not letting an opportunity pass, they pushed to get the access mat on the agenda. In 2021, Sandy Bolton kicked the campaign into gear by providing $11,000 to the council to go towards the purchase of the mat.
By now, Libby also had huge support from Noosa councillor Amelia Lorentson, who was an active member of the Noosa Surf Life Saving Club, as well as a volunteer with the Seahorse Nippers Inclusive Nipper Program. Ironically, Seahorse Nippers had also been lobbying for an accessible mat for years.
Libby made sure to get in front of Noosa Mayor Clare Stewart at a local CPL (Choice Passion Life) carers catch up and grabbed her opportunity to talk about the mat and how it would benefit their community.
Getting the funds to keep going
Noosa Council committed to a contribution of $21,500 but Libby was still short on funds.
Whilst attending the Noosa Farmers Market one morning, Libby was canvassed at entry by the Liberal party asking what she thought would make Noosa more liveable. “How long have you got,”, Libby replied. Libby had a long list on all the accommodations she thought would make Noosa more accessible and liveable.
A member of the local Lions Club was present and was interested in the beach mat and raising the remaining funds that were needed.
Libby didn’t think too much of it, until a few weeks later an excited message from Councillor Lorentson came through that the beach mat was about to become a reality!
The council committee had confirmed they were going to purchase the mat from Accessible Beaches Australia and the Noosa SLSC surf club committed to the management.
When accessible beach mat becomes a reality
The mat was launched in April 2022 MP Sandy Bolton, Mayor Clare, Cr Lorentson and the Lions Club. Libby and Daisy attended the launch, thrilled at the success of the campaign. Finally, people with all abilities could use the mat to access the beach they so love.
Final words of encouragement for others to do the same
Libby has come to know the team at Accessible Beaches Australia and her advice would be to go to them as well as your local council.
Libby says, “Be the squeaky wheel! Get your voice heard. It’s so worth it!”