By Source Mama
I am a mum and primary carer of an adult son with complex needs.
I am proud of my son, his accomplishments, his talents, his humour, his heart, his soul. I love him with all my heart, just as I do my other children.
They are a part of me: a part of my soul, my heart and a large part of the person I have evolved into to this day.
I, like many, many parents and carers have devoted my life to ensuring my son’s life is the best it can possibly be.
A life of meaning.
A life of purpose.
A life of love, laughter, friends, family and community.
A life of balance.
A life of opportunity.
A life of dignity and respect.
A life that which caters to every ounce of his beautiful personality.
A life that embraces his engaging, innocent and very visual mind.
A life, which over time, has slowly but surely crept up on and to a large extent, absorbed my own.

My world is encompassed by a purpose far greater than I could have ever imagined.
My world is one of resilience.
My world is one of relentless optimism.

My world is one of patience, calm, unrelenting hope and belief in my son’s present and future for a meaningful and balanced life.
My world is my son.
My son is now an adult.
His needs are complex.
As are mine.
As I struggle to maintain.
A healthy balance with time.