By Kelly Wilton
We know that the NDIS system is not perfect but the very thought of receiving comments like the ones below, make our heads turn (and not in a good way!)
We asked the Source community for some of the most ridiculous/uneducated/misinformed things said by an LAC during a NDIS meeting. We think you’ll either nod your head in agreement or shake it in disbelief!
It really highlights the fact that more training and support is needed for people who work in the sector, to help them understand the pressures families face. If the turnover of LACs most of us have seen during our NDIS plans is anything to go by, LACs are also feeling it too ‑ large workloads day in day out, with very emotionally-draining cases, must surely take a toll on them too.
However, this is our daily reality and our lived experience.
In our Source Survey, an overwhelming 68 per cent of you felt that LACs did not have a realistic understanding of your child’s needs. You can read the entire Source Survey here.
The below is a just a sample of what you told us.

“‘Most LACs do not have any lived experience and as such could not understand the high level of stress placed on each family. Add to this, complex special needs and there are very few people who we’ve met who even comprehend what we go through. We know we are not in the highest needs category, and I feel this may be perceived as we should be ok because others are worse off rather than each individual case and how this affects the people involved. And NO-ONE has ever asked us what stresses we are under and how we are going with everything.”

“We won’t be funding Riding for the Disabled because anyone can ride a horse’. Parent responded ‘Not just anyone can ride at Riding for the Disabled because you have to have a disability!“

“We know you’re disabled and that you’re never going to get better, but you’re not disabled enough to be on NDIS.”