
One of the most important things you can do after your child’s diagnosis

By Natalie Brobin As I became educated on my daughter’s genetic disorder called Turner syndrome (TS), the more I worried about the many possible health issues, learning issues and social issues that my daughter could have. I worried about so many issues that never actually happened! I worried she would have a hard time learning in …

One of the most important things you can do after your child’s diagnosis Read More »

Healthy Mothers Healthy Families – 6 swaps you can make to go from bad habits to good health

The Healthy Mothers, Healthy Families program is full of informative ways to help improve the wellbeing of mothers of children with a disability. Through identifying changes you want to make, it will guide you along the process of working out what to change, how to change, and then the process for the change to occur. …

Healthy Mothers Healthy Families – 6 swaps you can make to go from bad habits to good health Read More »

Talking about grief

by Natalie Waddell I am Natalie. I live in Brisbane with my husband, two sons and two 4 legged Oodles. My youngest son, Tom, has 1P36 Deletion Syndrome. He is a determined, out-going, cheeky, stubborn and mostly happy tween! He is also non-verbal and incontinent, has complex health issues, receives his nutrition via tube, unable to walk independently and …

Talking about grief Read More »

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